Dental Implants

Gain new-found confidence with affordable dental implants!

What are Dental Implants? 

Dental implants are surgically implanted into the jaw and are used to restore a person’s ability to chew or to improve their dental appearance. They provide support for artificial teeth like crowns or bridges. Implants are synthetic structures that are placed in the area of the tooth normally occupied by the root. They are an excellent option for single tooth replacement and have a high success rate in the right candidate. Implants can be used for single tooth replacement or multiple implants can be placed in conjunction with a denture that clips onto the implants.

Who is a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

Good candidates for dental implants have healthy gums and good bone quality and quantity. Talk to your dental provider about the potential benefits and risks, and whether you are a candidate for the procedure.

Additionally, the best candidates for dental implants include patients who:

  • are interested in replacing one or more teeth
  • practice good oral health
  • overall health is an important factor in determining whether you are a good candidate for dental implants, how long it will take to heal, and how long the implant may stay in place
  • are missing a single tooth or multiple teeth
  • understand the implant process and the commitment to diligent oral hygiene
  • nonsmokers

Benefits of Dental Implants

There are several advantages to having dental implants over other dental procedures or appliances like dentures. The benefits include:

  • more natural and comfortable
  • have a higher success rate
  • improve chewing function
  • do not need to be taken out and cleaned every night
  • helps keep the jawbone from shrinking due to bone loss
  • preserves the health of the surrounding bone and gums
  • helps keep adjacent (nearby) teeth stable

    Risks Associated with Dental Implants 

    Dental implants can significantly improve the quality of life and the health of a person who needs them. However, complications may sometimes occur. Complications can occur soon after dental implant placement or much later. Some complications result in implant failure (usually defined as implant loss).

    • Damage to surrounding natural teeth during implant placement
    • Injury to the surrounding tissues during surgery, such as sinus perforation
    • Injury during surgery (for example, fracture of surrounding jawbone)
    • Implant body failure (looseness of the implant body)
      • due to systemic infection, which may be more likely in patients with uncontrolled diabetes
      • due to local infection in bone and gums supporting the implant body
      • due to delayed healing, which may be more likely in patients who smoke
    • Difficulty cleaning the gums around the implant, resulting in poor oral hygiene
    • Untreated periodontal disease
    • Post-surgical numbness due to nerve impingement or damage

    Schedule A Consultation 

    Scheduling a consultation with Dr. Eryn Huber at Life-Centered Dentistry is a great first step to determine your implant journey! Call our Grand Rapids, MI office today at 616.453.3111 or use our online contact form.


    Frequently Asked Questions 

    What is a dental implant?

    A dental implant is much like a regular tooth. It is rooted in your jaw with a metal post under the gums. When the post has fused to your jawbone, it acts like a natural root, safely securing your implant in place. Your dentist will top this post with a crown that looks, feels, and functions like a normal tooth.

    How long does a dental implant procedure typically take?

    The dental implant procedure is completed over several months. This includes the initial consultation, implant placement surgery, osseointegration period (when the implant fuses with the jawbone), and the placement of the final restoration. Overall, the process can range from three to six months or longer, depending on individual healing and treatment plans.

    Are dental implants for everyone?

    While dental implants are a popular option for tooth replacement, they may not be suitable for everyone. Factors such as overall health, jawbone density, and gum health can affect candidacy. A consultation with your dental professional will determine if dental implants are the right choice for you.

    How do dental implants compare to bridges or dentures?

    Dental implants offer a permanent solution for teeth, while bridges rely on adjacent teeth for support and may require alteration of healthy tooth structure. Dentures are removable prosthetics that can replace multiple missing teeth but may lack the same level of stability and functionality as implants, which mimic the natural tooth structure more closely.

    What is the expected lifespan of a dental implant?

    The expected lifespan of a dental implant can vary depending on factors such as oral hygiene, overall health, and habits like smoking. However, with proper care and maintenance, dental implants can last for decades or even a lifetime, making them a durable and long-term solution for tooth replacement.