Have you ever experienced a burst of pain in your mouth while enjoying a nice meal? Whether the pain is from a cracked tooth, a filling that has fallen out, or some other problem with your teeth, it’s considered a dental emergency. This is where dentists come in and why they’re so important. If you are in this situation, knowing what to do in a dental emergency is crucial.

What Are the Most Common Dental Emergencies?

Many people have experienced a throbbing, nagging toothache at some point or another, and it can be quite painful. If you have pain that doesn’t leave or have sustained trauma to your mouth and are unsure about the damage left as a result, you’ll want to talk to your dentist.

Dental emergencies typically include sports-related accidents, car accidents, bicycle crashes, workplace accidents, roughhousing, and accidents around the home. In most cases, dental emergencies include broken, cracked, or chipped teeth that can lead to an infection if not promptly treated.

It is important to get regular dental checkups so your dentist can catch cavities or other issues when they are small to prevent larger issues later.

Knowing When You Have a Dental Emergency

Although dental pain is certainly not fun, not all pain equates to a dental emergency. However, if you have suffered trauma that has resulted in one or more teeth being knocked out, you have an abscess and are in excruciating pain, or you’ve suffered a mouth injury, you have a dental emergency.

Specific dental issues can become even worse if they aren’t immediately treated. If you aren’t sure if your situation qualifies as a dental emergency, it’s best to contact your dental office. Depending on the case, your dentist might tell you to come in as soon as possible for an emergency appointment.

What to Do if You Have a Dental Emergency

If you have a dental emergency, the first thing to do is to contact your regular dentist. If the office is currently open, they might tell you to come in immediately so they can see you.

One of the most overwhelming situations is losing a tooth. If this has happened to you, place the tooth (or teeth) in milk. After doing so, put a cotton ball or gauze in the area in your mouth that lost a tooth. If you’ve suffered a chip or break, call your dentist right away to be evaluated.

Contact Us

If you are located in the Grand Rapids area and need an emergency dentist, contact Life-Centered Dentistry, and we can get you into our office as soon as possible!