Just as there are different product lines for hair and body products, there are different options for bite splints. The one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work for your personal care items AND it doesn’t work for bite splints, either. That’s why Life-Centered Dentistry personalizes your bite splint or occlusal guard to fit your specific needs. 

Who needs a bite splint?

  • Have you ever heard of a bruxer? Bruxers are people who grind their teeth, often at night. Teeth grinding causes your jaw to move faround while biting down. You may not know you brux, but you wake up with sore facial muscles.
  • People who clench their teeth often are great candidates for a bite splint. Clenchers bite down hard without moving around. You may do this during stressful times of your day or at night. Either way, your jaw is sore.
  • If you have several crowns or “caps”, a bit splint might be the solution for you. Protect your smile and invest in your teeth. 

An occlusal guard is clear, thin, custom-made to fit either your upper or lower teeth. It’s smooth surface allows your jaw to move smoothly and easily, alleviating the pain and damage caused by bruxing or clenching. Occlusal guards should be worn every night and during the stressful parts of your day. This protects future damage to your teeth and dental restorations (crowns and fillings).

Life-Centered Dentistry offers three types of bite splints or occlusal guards.

  • This first option is occlusal splint with comfort. This one is recommended to protect cosmetic restorations, such as white fillings and crowns, bridges, implants or maintaining the space left by a missing tooth.
  • The second option is occlusal splint for the heavy bruxer. This is the most durable splint, yet still comfortable, for people who are strong bruxers, clenchers and grinders. If you’ve been told you have a heavy bite, this one’s for you. 
  • The third option is deprogrammer. This occlusal guard works well day or night for those of you who clench. Do you ever get a migraine from clenching? This is a great option for you.

If you’re not sure if you need a bite splint, ask your dental health care provider at your next dental appointment. Learn what bite splint or occlusal guard is best for you! Dr. Ludwig or your dental hygienist will recommend what’s best for you next time you visit.